Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Haiti - Day 7 - last day on the ground

Final greetings from Haiti,
Today was another great day of ministry in this country. We can't believe that our time here has gone by so fast and that tomorrow we fly back to the States! Keep us in prayer for our travels as several members really struggle with being in the air.
God has done some amazing things in our lives from this experience. Tonight we shared during our group time on the guest house second floor balcony overlooking Port Au Prince. We also had a time to pray over our Missionary friends, Greg and Michelle Roberts.
Pictures for tonight:
1. House project - The house is complete for the family of 15 to move into! Our picture shows both the old house and the new house beside it.
2. New home dedication - Our team gathered at the new house with many of the family members recieving the home to let them know it was because of our love for Jesus that we were involved in the construction of this home. We also prayed over the new home and family.
3. We have traveled a distance each day from PAP to the town of Thomasou and have seen many beautiful scenes. This is a salt water lake that we drove by each day that we wanted you to see.

This trip has been a blessing where "blancs" (as we were called by the locals) and the Hatian community worked together with a number of projects. Join us as we continue to pray for our God to intercede with the spiritual and physical needs of Haiti and her people. Ask us for details as we would love to share all that God has done.
See you soon!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Haiti - Day 6

Greetings from Haiti,
Today was the hottest day that we have experienced on this trip. Traffic was easier through Port Au Prince both ways today which can be an interesting adventure. 

Pictures for today are:
#1 The house project - the block is laid, floor poured and half of the roof is completed.

#2 Puppet ministry - The kids at the orphanage in Thomasou enjoyed meeting some new friends brought in from the States.

#3 Traffic - Some days traffic has been really slow and bumper to bumper.

Haiti - Day 5

Greetings from "cho" Haiti! (Cho, pronounced show, is Creole for hot weather or spicy food).
We are all doing well and enjoying our daily opportunities to serve God and the people of Haiti. We feel that we are connecting with the people and communicating that we are here to serve the Lord.  Just a note about how God has made up this mission team. Our team represents five states (TN, MS, KY, NY, WI) with an age range of 31 - 71. We have skills and talents that are all being used to serve God on this trip.

#1 The house project - walls are all finished, roof to go on Tuesday and maybe pour concrete for the floor.
#2 Teach the world on-line classroom; cleanup and painting going well. Many locals were there for moral support.

#3 Storytelling Ministry - Ms. Dottie captivated the children with a Bible story regarding Jesus birth.

More pics and information to come.
Orevwa (goodbye in Creole)

Haiti - Day 4

Greetings from Haiti,
We enjoyed a great Creole worship service at the Pernier Baptist Church today where we painted yesterday. The Church has grown so much since the earthquake that they have gone to two worship services!  One picture for today is a view of the city of Port Au Prince from the top of a mountain (the port and palace are on the right half of the view). The second picture is the inside of the Pernier Church with a great phrase posted on the front wall in Creole saying "Your desision for relationship with Jesus determines your destiny".
After Church today we went out for lunch and toured around the city. It was difficult emotionally to see areas that we had been to last year that had suffered damage from the quake in January. The tent cities are crowded in any open areas that ar. e available including parks and even inside a round about.
We are going back to the Children of Hope orphanage tomorrow to work on projects and to help finish the house for the family in Thomasou.
Bye for now.

Haiti - Day 3

Greetings from Haiti,
Another busy day in Port-Au- Prince.  Today we went to First Baptist Church of Pernier and painted the front exterier of the Church and courtyard walls. Also a container of supplies came in for the medical clinic including a large number of medical supplies that we had the opportunity to help unload.
Things are well with our group and we enjoying the fellowship of several groups in from the States staying at the guest house. Besides our group we have a group of Drs and a group from Clayton Homes working on a project. The team is taking precautions in order to stay healthy and have a strong finish on our mission trip. Our pictures for today include two from our Church painting project.
Take care and continue to pray that we are open for what God wants to do through our group.


Haiti - Day 2

Greetings from Port Au Prince,

We had another exciting day serving in Haiti and want to give you a few details.

We were at the Children of Hope Orphanage again today with a puppet show and soccer balls that everyone enjoyed. The house construction is progressing well and the house picture includes Marjorie who will be the recipient of our project for her family. Part of our team also started working on a new classroom that will be a part of TWOL (Teach World On-Line) which is an English class taught on Skype.

Tomorrow our plans are to paint at First Baptist Church of Pernier.

By the way, if you heard there was an earthquake on the island yesterday you knew it before we did. We heard about it today, but it was small enough that we didn't feel it.

Keep us in your prayers.
Love from the team.

Haiti - Day 1

Greetings from Haiti,
Our first full day has been eventful at the Children of Hope Orphanage and house construction in Thomasou.
Our day started early with devotions and the opportunity to enjoy the cross town traffic of Port Au Prince. The kids always enjoy the love and attention they get from visitors. We also had the opportunity to work with some local Haitian's to build a house for the family of 15. It appears that the local community with Non-profit Organizations can get houses built where governmental red tape stalls things out.
Everyone is tired and our day is ending early.
Until our next message.

The children who attend school at Children of Hope

A new house for the family of 15.

Our Haiti Mission Team

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Jesus, the Advocate

These words were shared with us by Jeanie Hutchinson at the end of August, can you hear the excitement? 
All my friends and family members have been praying for some legal issues, which have been going on with the sale of my business in April 2009.  I was charged with fraud and Breach of Contract by the buyer, in an effort to get out of paying me what he agreed upon for the business.  
I've been under stress with this for almost the whole two years since Joe's passing, and today God spoke!  I was taken to an Arbitration hearing in July, and have had to pay huge legal fees to fight this, but we received a ruling today, and God's team won on every count, plus he has to pay my legal fees.  Praise God for His mercies!  Thank you so much for your prayers and support during this difficult time.  Please continue to pray that the man will pay what he owes now and this will come to a halt.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Jesus in the House!

...a story from Tom Garner
We had our 4th Celebrate Recovery Church service @ Knox Area Rescue Ministry last night. During the service we had discussed Jesus washing the feet of the disciples. 

A homeless woman came forward and asked for Jesus to please wash her feet. Seeing the Holy Spirit creating this miracle, we went out and got a bowl of water and a towel. 

Yes, we got on our knees before the altar of God and washed the feet of the homeless, the addicted and hurting children of God as they came forward. They were in tears of joy as Christ love and humility was shown to them, the stones that the other builders had rejected.

I have never witnessed anything so moving and powerful. One could actually feel the touch of God on our physical bodies. Many accepted Christ as their Lord. The Pastor of KARM said nothing like this had ever occurred there before. 

I am still on my knees today praising the Ancient of Days, our Lord and God Almighty.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Just another day in Haiti

Greg and Michelle Roberts, along with others serving the medical needs through a mobile clinic, found and helped this woman.
She was found almost unconscious and unable to communicate when some men carried her to the mobile clinic that Haiti Serve was operating on a given Saturday in Haiti. She was found to be eclamptic (having seizures due to high blood pressure) and the team was concerned for the health of her life and her baby. 
As you view, look at how they moved the woman to a safe place. See the ways they improvised medical equipment. See God's hand at work to bring the precious life into this world while keeping Mommy alive to provide care.

Haiti Serve Reaches Out to Mother in Labor from Amber Beckham on Vimeo.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Cardboard Testimonies

On Easter Sunday, the praise team and choir lead the congregation in worship through song. At one point, the praise team sang while some folks shared what Christ has done for them with words on cardboard. We didn't capture that on video, but we did capture the cardboard in photo form so that you can see the stories of those who shared. 

If you have any of the problems mentioned through these words, trust that God has an answer for you as well.  If you're in town, stop by the church any Sunday morning or Wednesday night and let's talk! 

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Ready, Set, Go!

These words are those of Cheryl Griffin, who was diagnosed March 22nd with breast cancer and is traveling back to Jacksonville, Florida for her treatment.

Monday and Tuesday of next week I have five appointments at Mayo Clinic. The time has come to get this breast cancer treatment started and the cancer conquered. I am ready, and very much at peace, thanks be to God. I have known so many precious sisters and brothers in Christ who have met their cancer diagnosis with strength, courage and grace.
With God's help, I plan to do no less. God is in control and the Great Physician. What better hope and peace could a person need. I am thankful for God's provision of praying friends and family, and can never thank you enough for lifting me up. 
So, please pray for: 
  1. a "surprise divine healing" when the doctors view my MRI'S on Monday,
  2. If that is not God's will, then please pray that the MRI'S will still show an early breast cancer diagnosis, 
  3. that I will feel comfortable and at peace with the doctors that have been chosen to handle my treatment. 
  4. peace and strength for Frank as he goes through these two long days with me at Mayo. 
I love you all, and thank God always for you and your faithfulness. I'll keep you updated.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

To Tithe or Not to that the question?

A Life story from Debbie Tipton:
It's no secret to anyone who has Facebook that H and I have been experiencing a real storm in our lives since July of 2009.  There have been times of fear, uncertain in how we were going to survive financially.  
Paying our tithes had been one thing that we refused to stop because we knew that we would be tying God's hands from blessing us if we did.  However, the last few weeks I did withhold our tithes because I just didn't see how we could pay them and still be able to pay our house payment.  This past Monday God reminded me that we were two checks behind on our tithes.  
I argued with God and said, "But if I pay them, Lord, I won't be able to pay the house payment."  
He just said, "MALACHI 3:10".  He didn't quote it out, just gave the book, chapter and verse.  He was so emphatic about it that I knew He was telling me to trust Him in this. 
By the way this is  the only time that God ever asks us to test Him.
I emailed Judy, who serves with the finance team, and asked her if I could bring my tithe check to her. 
She said "You can just bring it to me Wednesday." 
I told her I was afraid to do that because if I didn't get it into her hands I might be tempted to use it for our needs.  
She said "Okay, bring it on out to me".  
The whole time I was praying, "God I am stepping out in faith here, please meet our needs!"

Fast forward to Thursday, my car breaks down.  A 2008 Honda that should not be breaking down.  By faith I took it to the dealership repair chop, not knowing how I was going to pay for it to be fixed, yet refusing to let the enemy work on me with fear, instead choosing to claim God's promises the whole time.  I knew I had paid our tithe, and God had promised to open up the windows of heaven and pour us out a blessing that we couldn't contain.  That doesn't specifically say that the blessings are financial, but I sure was praying for it to be.
Not only was my house payment due the following Tuesday, but now a car repair bill of about $100.00, not to mention that we owe $300.00 to the IRS and had also been praying for God to provide a way to pay off a bill that we had so it would make it easier on us with our monthly bills.  Still I had perfect peace over it all, knowing that God was going to do something.  I had been obedient with the tithe and I trusted that He was going to show up.

On to Friday...H brings in the mail.  There was a thick envelope in there from a law firm in Charleston, SC.  I thought oh great, what now? When I opened it, I couldn't believe my eyes...there was a check for $5500.00 in there! It was a settlement check for a class action suit that was filed over 15 yrs ago! 

GOD HAD SHOWN UP!!! HE had done what HE HAD PROMISED!  Never again will I ever withhold a tithe check because I am afraid that I won't be able to pay bills, first because its robbing God and second because I am tying HIS hands from blessing us!

SIDENOTE...When I picked up my car, the mechanic told me that a relay had stuck in the open position and was drawing current even though the car was turned off.  He said in his 13 yrs of being a Honda mechanic he had only seen this happen one other time and it was the week before.  First of all God was testing me... was I going to be ruled by fear or by
faith with my car breaking down...Secondly he had a lady with another car that had the same problem the week before so that the mechanic would know what was wrong with mine.

So if you are wondering whether you should pay your tithe or pay a bill...I strongly urge you, pay the are tying God's hands with your disobedience if you don't!

God is still on His throne and still answering prayer AND meeting our needs...What God promised, He is faithful to do!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Sharing the Word in Haiti

Not long ago, Greg Roberts, our staff missionary, sent word that the church-run clinic that he's working with in Port au Prince needed Bibles to share with people. The people in their church still have a Bible, but those who come to the clinic -- some do not attend a church, some do not know of God, and the staff want to be able to share His love with them even after they leave the clinic. 

Erik Swanson, a gentleman who is a member of KnoxLife in Knoxville and assists our students with our homeless ministry, found a place to purchase New Testaments with Psalms in them in the Kreyol (Creole) language the Haitian people speak for $9.99 each. A full Bible is over $30. So, we set out to get at least 100 of these New Testaments to send to Haiti. 

We put out the word to our friends and family. Through Twitter, Facebook, email and word-of-mouth, God moved people to give, and provided enough to purchase 140 New Testaments. Small enough to fit in a pocket or purse, we know that the words these people will read hold life. 

Soon, 140 Haitians will get their very own copy of the New Testament! Thanks to you! If you'd like to help provide more, visit the Donations page on and give! Choose the Haiti button, and when you make the donation, be sure to note in the "Special ways you want these funds spent?" box that you want it to go to Bibles.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Trip to Haiti - Good, Bad, Ugly

I sat with Mark Chipperfield to hear his story about his trip to Haiti last week. Below I will share some of what he told me. This is a long post, some of it is not pretty, but it is all real. -- Faye Bryant

Mark and Brian Williams flew to Orlando, then drove to Ft. Lauderdale to catch a private jet that was carrying supplies to Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic. They each found a seat in this plane completely surrounded by supplies. The pilot told them they were carrying the maximum weight the plane could carry. Then, when they took off, they noticed the plane wasn't ascending into the sky. Shortly, they realized they were banking away from their destination and soon landed again. Seems someone had forgotten to unlock the landing gear so that the pilot could pull it up to achieve altitude. Mark said, "At that point, at least we knew they could land the thing."

First stop, Turks and Caicos Islands for refueling. (Mark didn't say so, but I imagine there was some unfolding of a couple of tall guys for a few minutes.) There they encountered personnel at the airport who begged them to take some of the mass of supplies they have waiting to go to Haiti. Since they were already overloaded, they couldn't do anything to help.

After landing in Barahona and making their way to Jimani, near the Haitian border, Mark and Brian saw chaos. Organized to some degree, but chaos nonetheless. They saw the two-story hospital building, the orphanage building, the chapel, a large revival-type tent over-filled with people and much more.

They met up with some folks from North Carolina. Finally! Someone who spoke their language! This group had already been there several days and planned to stay a few more. They showed Brian and Mark around, explaining the layout of the hospital and what was going on. They shared about the 6.0 aftershock they'd experienced the morning before, seeing people jumping out of the second floor of the hospital and orphanage, others running outside screaming, because of their fear.

The guys from North Carolina shared about their sleeping accommodations -- a tent set up next to the post-op tent (large open-sided, revival-type tent) where they'd tried to go to sleep the night before, but were kept awake by the generator running. When the generator was finally shut down, they spent the rest of the night praying it would be turned back on, the screams of people suffering now filling the air. Only local anesthesia for those enduring amputations or other medical procedures.

Next they headed toward Port au Prince. The roads are not fun, I was told. Mark said he saw little of earthquake damage until they got very close to the city. They went to the house that has been leased by Church of the Cove and Chadasha Foundation for our missionary outpost. One of the walled fences had been damaged and there are cracks in the walls of the house, but it's foundation is sound. Not every house in that neighborhood fared the same. Just a couple doors down lay a pile of rubble that was once a house, and the odor that came from it told the tale of those who had been inside at the time of the collapse.

During their stay, Mark and Brian helped repair the wall at the house, helped install water filtration systems at the house and at Pastor Jude's church. They were going to install one at Bobby's orphanage, but found out that the well that was dug by hand in the past year was damaged in the quake and is now filled with brackish water. A new well will have to be dug there.

They also traveled around the city, delivering food and other supplies to places where they were needed.

As they traveled back through Jimani to Barahona to head home, they were surprised to find the guys from North Carolina still on duty, still serving. A moment of time is frozen in both Brian and Mark's minds: A moment when tears and wails continued in the post-op tent until Pastor Tim (from NC) went in with an interpreter and began singing worship songs and hymns. It was an amazing sight to see people in so much pain, with so much damage in their lives, lifting their hands and voices to God in worship.

A fitting end to a rough trip.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Pictures & Video

Mark Chipperfield shares this video he made of the trip to Haiti last week.

Stories from Haiti - Brian Williams

Brian Williams shares a moment he remembers from his stay:

We were in Port Au Prince for a medical clinic for those whose injuries and medical issues weren't trauma-related or serious enough to be sent to a mobile hospital. We showed up at the little church where Jude and his wife Yannick pastor.
The little courtyard was already overflowing with people waiting to see a doctor. While we were setting up inside, Yannick was speaking to all those outside. She started leading them in song. I heard these beautiful melodies and looked into faces that were turned upward to God with hands raised. Faces that were in pain or were sick or were worried when they arrived, were now praising God.

All of us inside stopped what we were doing and were just amazed at the sight and beautiful sounds. There wasn't a dry eye among us.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Report from Haiti

Greg shares some of the things He's seen during his time in Haiti:

I have seen God and His power in the good and the bad. I truly believe God allowed this to happen to bring not only the people of Haiti to Himself, but also everyone who is coming to help Haiti.

I have been in some of the worst hit areas and I've seen dead bodies everywhere I looked. In the midst of that horror, I watched three Haitian doctors that I had the blessing of driving to this area jump right in and start helping the people who were injured.

I have seen children lose their arms and legs, and even one that lost both legs, and in the midst of that, the parent was still thanking God that they were alive because they had watched their other family members die.

I have seen people cry because they got enough food to feed their family another day and I have seen fighting over what little food was there.

I have heard stories of hundreds of people coming to Christ in the middle of the street as buildings were still falling around them, because Pastor Joaneme was telling them about the only way to be saved.

I have heard about Pastor Jude and Yanick who have given away everything they had to eat, because they knew the Lord was going to send their provision, and then I drove up the same day with a truckload of food.

I was handed $15,000 one day by a man who said God had told him to do it, because he knew I would spend it on the Haitian people. Another man handed me $8,000 for me to spend on the ministry. Another man who gave $25,000 for us to use in assisting the people. Yes, that is $48,000 in one week. The need is great, prices are enormous, and a large amount of that money has already been used to provide food for people.

More reports will be coming throughout the coming weeks.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

How do you plan a trip to Haiti after an earthquake?

from e-mail sent out Wednesday, January 13, 2010:

Greg Roberts, our church missionary, was planning to leave Monday for a medical trip to Haiti. The plan included four medical clinics and assisting with a couple of surgeries in the country.

Yesterday's 7.0 earthquake radically changed those plans.

Today, Greg spent a lot of time with Chris Keylon and other members of the Chadasha Foundation, working on plans for going to assess the situations in Port au Prince.

First, they "somehow" managed to get the last two seats on a plane flying out of Knoxville tomorrow morning. Then they were able to rent the last truck available for rent in Santo Domingo. Wonder how that happened.

While they were rejoicing over those things, they were visited by a gentleman who is part of a major ministry that serves in disaster relief. He was in Sri Lanka after the tsunamis hit and other places around the world. He shared with the men going on this trip to Haiti the things they must look for and not overlook. He told them things they must avoid. He shared advice with them that will be truly priceless.

As an aside before he left, he shared with Greg and the others that his ministry is partnered with 15 other ministries that pour over $500 million dollars each year into assisting around the world and that he was there to tell them that these ministries are behind what Church of the Cove and Chadasha is doing.

While our guys were celebrating that news, a phone call came in and was put on speaker phone so all could hear. Stanley Brock of Remote Area Medical Missions told Greg and Chris and the others that RAMM is considering them to be their assessment team, too. And, by the way, next week, they would be sending a team of seven doctors and a C-130 airplane loaded with all the medical supplies they could get on it. Some of those supplies will include a couple of four-wheelers and motorcycles to help the guys get around.

Whew! Greg made it to church a little early to meet with the elders to have them pray with him about the trip, seeking God's discernment. While in that meeting, his phone rang. Chris Keylon was on the line to share with him that Lonnie, a gentleman from Huntsville, Alabama, that they've been talking with had put $140,000 into a bank account for them to use for missions in Haiti. With that money, the plan is to purchase a car -- possibly a "new" car with a dent -- somewhat inexpensively and a flat-bed truck as well. Then, instead of renting a car for every trip, the teams can drive these vehicles.

Meanwhile, Stanley Brock of Remote Area Medical told the guys that RAMM would station one of their planes in Ft. Lauderdale or Miami for the use of these teams flying to render aid in Haiti. (Imagine paying $49 for a flight to Haiti instead of several hundred!)

As the infomercial goes, BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE!

After arriving at home tonight, Greg got a call telling him that Lonnie in Huntsville has an acquaintance who is a Defense contractor. They had someone drive from Huntsville to Knoxville tonight to deliver to Chris a satellite phone for their use in Haiti.

When God plans a trip, it's not only planned, it's financed and supplied supernaturally!

You can still help. Donations can be made on the church website, there will be some trips coming up soon, and the most important of all, you can pray. We invite you to set aside some time each day to pray for Greg, Chris and their companion, Brian, as they assess the need and envision God's plan for us there. Ask God to give them discernment and wisdom in planning.