Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Haiti - Day 5

Greetings from "cho" Haiti! (Cho, pronounced show, is Creole for hot weather or spicy food).
We are all doing well and enjoying our daily opportunities to serve God and the people of Haiti. We feel that we are connecting with the people and communicating that we are here to serve the Lord.  Just a note about how God has made up this mission team. Our team represents five states (TN, MS, KY, NY, WI) with an age range of 31 - 71. We have skills and talents that are all being used to serve God on this trip.

#1 The house project - walls are all finished, roof to go on Tuesday and maybe pour concrete for the floor.
#2 Teach the world on-line classroom; cleanup and painting going well. Many locals were there for moral support.

#3 Storytelling Ministry - Ms. Dottie captivated the children with a Bible story regarding Jesus birth.

More pics and information to come.
Orevwa (goodbye in Creole)

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