Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Haiti - Day 4

Greetings from Haiti,
We enjoyed a great Creole worship service at the Pernier Baptist Church today where we painted yesterday. The Church has grown so much since the earthquake that they have gone to two worship services!  One picture for today is a view of the city of Port Au Prince from the top of a mountain (the port and palace are on the right half of the view). The second picture is the inside of the Pernier Church with a great phrase posted on the front wall in Creole saying "Your desision for relationship with Jesus determines your destiny".
After Church today we went out for lunch and toured around the city. It was difficult emotionally to see areas that we had been to last year that had suffered damage from the quake in January. The tent cities are crowded in any open areas that ar. e available including parks and even inside a round about.
We are going back to the Children of Hope orphanage tomorrow to work on projects and to help finish the house for the family in Thomasou.
Bye for now.

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