Saturday, February 27, 2010

To Tithe or Not to that the question?

A Life story from Debbie Tipton:
It's no secret to anyone who has Facebook that H and I have been experiencing a real storm in our lives since July of 2009.  There have been times of fear, uncertain in how we were going to survive financially.  
Paying our tithes had been one thing that we refused to stop because we knew that we would be tying God's hands from blessing us if we did.  However, the last few weeks I did withhold our tithes because I just didn't see how we could pay them and still be able to pay our house payment.  This past Monday God reminded me that we were two checks behind on our tithes.  
I argued with God and said, "But if I pay them, Lord, I won't be able to pay the house payment."  
He just said, "MALACHI 3:10".  He didn't quote it out, just gave the book, chapter and verse.  He was so emphatic about it that I knew He was telling me to trust Him in this. 
By the way this is  the only time that God ever asks us to test Him.
I emailed Judy, who serves with the finance team, and asked her if I could bring my tithe check to her. 
She said "You can just bring it to me Wednesday." 
I told her I was afraid to do that because if I didn't get it into her hands I might be tempted to use it for our needs.  
She said "Okay, bring it on out to me".  
The whole time I was praying, "God I am stepping out in faith here, please meet our needs!"

Fast forward to Thursday, my car breaks down.  A 2008 Honda that should not be breaking down.  By faith I took it to the dealership repair chop, not knowing how I was going to pay for it to be fixed, yet refusing to let the enemy work on me with fear, instead choosing to claim God's promises the whole time.  I knew I had paid our tithe, and God had promised to open up the windows of heaven and pour us out a blessing that we couldn't contain.  That doesn't specifically say that the blessings are financial, but I sure was praying for it to be.
Not only was my house payment due the following Tuesday, but now a car repair bill of about $100.00, not to mention that we owe $300.00 to the IRS and had also been praying for God to provide a way to pay off a bill that we had so it would make it easier on us with our monthly bills.  Still I had perfect peace over it all, knowing that God was going to do something.  I had been obedient with the tithe and I trusted that He was going to show up.

On to Friday...H brings in the mail.  There was a thick envelope in there from a law firm in Charleston, SC.  I thought oh great, what now? When I opened it, I couldn't believe my eyes...there was a check for $5500.00 in there! It was a settlement check for a class action suit that was filed over 15 yrs ago! 

GOD HAD SHOWN UP!!! HE had done what HE HAD PROMISED!  Never again will I ever withhold a tithe check because I am afraid that I won't be able to pay bills, first because its robbing God and second because I am tying HIS hands from blessing us!

SIDENOTE...When I picked up my car, the mechanic told me that a relay had stuck in the open position and was drawing current even though the car was turned off.  He said in his 13 yrs of being a Honda mechanic he had only seen this happen one other time and it was the week before.  First of all God was testing me... was I going to be ruled by fear or by
faith with my car breaking down...Secondly he had a lady with another car that had the same problem the week before so that the mechanic would know what was wrong with mine.

So if you are wondering whether you should pay your tithe or pay a bill...I strongly urge you, pay the are tying God's hands with your disobedience if you don't!

God is still on His throne and still answering prayer AND meeting our needs...What God promised, He is faithful to do!

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