Saturday, March 27, 2010

Ready, Set, Go!

These words are those of Cheryl Griffin, who was diagnosed March 22nd with breast cancer and is traveling back to Jacksonville, Florida for her treatment.

Monday and Tuesday of next week I have five appointments at Mayo Clinic. The time has come to get this breast cancer treatment started and the cancer conquered. I am ready, and very much at peace, thanks be to God. I have known so many precious sisters and brothers in Christ who have met their cancer diagnosis with strength, courage and grace.
With God's help, I plan to do no less. God is in control and the Great Physician. What better hope and peace could a person need. I am thankful for God's provision of praying friends and family, and can never thank you enough for lifting me up. 
So, please pray for: 
  1. a "surprise divine healing" when the doctors view my MRI'S on Monday,
  2. If that is not God's will, then please pray that the MRI'S will still show an early breast cancer diagnosis, 
  3. that I will feel comfortable and at peace with the doctors that have been chosen to handle my treatment. 
  4. peace and strength for Frank as he goes through these two long days with me at Mayo. 
I love you all, and thank God always for you and your faithfulness. I'll keep you updated.

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