Monday, February 1, 2010

Stories from Haiti - Brian Williams

Brian Williams shares a moment he remembers from his stay:

We were in Port Au Prince for a medical clinic for those whose injuries and medical issues weren't trauma-related or serious enough to be sent to a mobile hospital. We showed up at the little church where Jude and his wife Yannick pastor.
The little courtyard was already overflowing with people waiting to see a doctor. While we were setting up inside, Yannick was speaking to all those outside. She started leading them in song. I heard these beautiful melodies and looked into faces that were turned upward to God with hands raised. Faces that were in pain or were sick or were worried when they arrived, were now praising God.

All of us inside stopped what we were doing and were just amazed at the sight and beautiful sounds. There wasn't a dry eye among us.

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