Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Jesus, the Advocate

These words were shared with us by Jeanie Hutchinson at the end of August, can you hear the excitement? 
All my friends and family members have been praying for some legal issues, which have been going on with the sale of my business in April 2009.  I was charged with fraud and Breach of Contract by the buyer, in an effort to get out of paying me what he agreed upon for the business.  
I've been under stress with this for almost the whole two years since Joe's passing, and today God spoke!  I was taken to an Arbitration hearing in July, and have had to pay huge legal fees to fight this, but we received a ruling today, and God's team won on every count, plus he has to pay my legal fees.  Praise God for His mercies!  Thank you so much for your prayers and support during this difficult time.  Please continue to pray that the man will pay what he owes now and this will come to a halt.

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