Sunday, August 8, 2010

Jesus in the House!

...a story from Tom Garner
We had our 4th Celebrate Recovery Church service @ Knox Area Rescue Ministry last night. During the service we had discussed Jesus washing the feet of the disciples. 

A homeless woman came forward and asked for Jesus to please wash her feet. Seeing the Holy Spirit creating this miracle, we went out and got a bowl of water and a towel. 

Yes, we got on our knees before the altar of God and washed the feet of the homeless, the addicted and hurting children of God as they came forward. They were in tears of joy as Christ love and humility was shown to them, the stones that the other builders had rejected.

I have never witnessed anything so moving and powerful. One could actually feel the touch of God on our physical bodies. Many accepted Christ as their Lord. The Pastor of KARM said nothing like this had ever occurred there before. 

I am still on my knees today praising the Ancient of Days, our Lord and God Almighty.

1 comment:

  1. Our ministry to the homeless is bearing much fruit! Praise be to God!


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