Sunday, August 9, 2009

Three for Five

Thursday evening we ate dinner at Miss Lilly's, a local restaurant. Our waiter was friendly and interested in our table conversation. We found out that he's a college student majoring in English. I encouraged him--saying that English teachers always have a job. Then he said that he really wanted to be a writer, and my heart was touched.

Since that night I'd been thinking that I'd like to help him somehow. And then Sunday you made God's intent plain to me. We stopped at Miss Lilly's after church. He wasn't working, but we were able to share what happened at church with the two managers. They seemed real interested. After getting his name, I wrote a check and added it to the $5 in the envelope and left if for him.

I was also able to give a small book to each manager. God used your work to minister to three people through that $5.
-- Phyllis Dolislager

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