Sunday, August 9, 2009

Radical Gospel

Praise the Lord! Today, at age 64 (!), I saw the radical gospel put into action!!! What a wonderul, awesome challeging blessing! I am praying that God will convict, enlighten and multiply all the efforts of the Body.

A few weeks ago, the Lord put a person on my heart in a very special way. He called me to share my blessing with this person. Not only that, He caused events to happen to provide $20 here, $10 there - totally unexpected! It was clear that this was not for me, so I obeyed and passed it on. How I pray that everyone would experience the childlike joy I feel knowing God has used me to bless one of His children - a sister in Christ. I hope she can know what a blessing she has become to me!

THANK YOU for making this opportunity possible. Like you say, just imagine what God will do with this!!
-- Dottie Hall

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