Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Running from God

When I took my envelope out of the basket, I began to pray that moment about who God would have me give it to. In the course of the week, he placed a family in our path who broke my heart.

They have been living in a place that is about to be condemned. They have no shower, no way to wash clothes and he only has 1 set of clothes. They also have a teenage daughter. I felt such a burden for them, but asked the Lord to confirm that they were the ones.

My husband had a chance to share with the father of the family, who wept as he told my husband that he had felt the Lord calling him into the ministry years ago and had run from God. Just this week God has led this father to stop gambling and stop smoking.

Today I gave him the envelope and my husband and I helped with their small business venture, and we plan to take their daughter back to school shopping. We are praying for them and we expect a miracle in their lives as God reveals Himself to them!!!
-- Anonymous

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