Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Haiti - Day 7 - last day on the ground

Final greetings from Haiti,
Today was another great day of ministry in this country. We can't believe that our time here has gone by so fast and that tomorrow we fly back to the States! Keep us in prayer for our travels as several members really struggle with being in the air.
God has done some amazing things in our lives from this experience. Tonight we shared during our group time on the guest house second floor balcony overlooking Port Au Prince. We also had a time to pray over our Missionary friends, Greg and Michelle Roberts.
Pictures for tonight:
1. House project - The house is complete for the family of 15 to move into! Our picture shows both the old house and the new house beside it.
2. New home dedication - Our team gathered at the new house with many of the family members recieving the home to let them know it was because of our love for Jesus that we were involved in the construction of this home. We also prayed over the new home and family.
3. We have traveled a distance each day from PAP to the town of Thomasou and have seen many beautiful scenes. This is a salt water lake that we drove by each day that we wanted you to see.

This trip has been a blessing where "blancs" (as we were called by the locals) and the Hatian community worked together with a number of projects. Join us as we continue to pray for our God to intercede with the spiritual and physical needs of Haiti and her people. Ask us for details as we would love to share all that God has done.
See you soon!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Haiti - Day 6

Greetings from Haiti,
Today was the hottest day that we have experienced on this trip. Traffic was easier through Port Au Prince both ways today which can be an interesting adventure. 

Pictures for today are:
#1 The house project - the block is laid, floor poured and half of the roof is completed.

#2 Puppet ministry - The kids at the orphanage in Thomasou enjoyed meeting some new friends brought in from the States.

#3 Traffic - Some days traffic has been really slow and bumper to bumper.

Haiti - Day 5

Greetings from "cho" Haiti! (Cho, pronounced show, is Creole for hot weather or spicy food).
We are all doing well and enjoying our daily opportunities to serve God and the people of Haiti. We feel that we are connecting with the people and communicating that we are here to serve the Lord.  Just a note about how God has made up this mission team. Our team represents five states (TN, MS, KY, NY, WI) with an age range of 31 - 71. We have skills and talents that are all being used to serve God on this trip.

#1 The house project - walls are all finished, roof to go on Tuesday and maybe pour concrete for the floor.
#2 Teach the world on-line classroom; cleanup and painting going well. Many locals were there for moral support.

#3 Storytelling Ministry - Ms. Dottie captivated the children with a Bible story regarding Jesus birth.

More pics and information to come.
Orevwa (goodbye in Creole)

Haiti - Day 4

Greetings from Haiti,
We enjoyed a great Creole worship service at the Pernier Baptist Church today where we painted yesterday. The Church has grown so much since the earthquake that they have gone to two worship services!  One picture for today is a view of the city of Port Au Prince from the top of a mountain (the port and palace are on the right half of the view). The second picture is the inside of the Pernier Church with a great phrase posted on the front wall in Creole saying "Your desision for relationship with Jesus determines your destiny".
After Church today we went out for lunch and toured around the city. It was difficult emotionally to see areas that we had been to last year that had suffered damage from the quake in January. The tent cities are crowded in any open areas that ar. e available including parks and even inside a round about.
We are going back to the Children of Hope orphanage tomorrow to work on projects and to help finish the house for the family in Thomasou.
Bye for now.

Haiti - Day 3

Greetings from Haiti,
Another busy day in Port-Au- Prince.  Today we went to First Baptist Church of Pernier and painted the front exterier of the Church and courtyard walls. Also a container of supplies came in for the medical clinic including a large number of medical supplies that we had the opportunity to help unload.
Things are well with our group and we enjoying the fellowship of several groups in from the States staying at the guest house. Besides our group we have a group of Drs and a group from Clayton Homes working on a project. The team is taking precautions in order to stay healthy and have a strong finish on our mission trip. Our pictures for today include two from our Church painting project.
Take care and continue to pray that we are open for what God wants to do through our group.


Haiti - Day 2

Greetings from Port Au Prince,

We had another exciting day serving in Haiti and want to give you a few details.

We were at the Children of Hope Orphanage again today with a puppet show and soccer balls that everyone enjoyed. The house construction is progressing well and the house picture includes Marjorie who will be the recipient of our project for her family. Part of our team also started working on a new classroom that will be a part of TWOL (Teach World On-Line) which is an English class taught on Skype.

Tomorrow our plans are to paint at First Baptist Church of Pernier.

By the way, if you heard there was an earthquake on the island yesterday you knew it before we did. We heard about it today, but it was small enough that we didn't feel it.

Keep us in your prayers.
Love from the team.

Haiti - Day 1

Greetings from Haiti,
Our first full day has been eventful at the Children of Hope Orphanage and house construction in Thomasou.
Our day started early with devotions and the opportunity to enjoy the cross town traffic of Port Au Prince. The kids always enjoy the love and attention they get from visitors. We also had the opportunity to work with some local Haitian's to build a house for the family of 15. It appears that the local community with Non-profit Organizations can get houses built where governmental red tape stalls things out.
Everyone is tired and our day is ending early.
Until our next message.

The children who attend school at Children of Hope

A new house for the family of 15.

Our Haiti Mission Team